Speaking 3
“Jeannie’s blend of real-life stories and time-tested lessons on parenting with grace made her the perfect speaker for our group. Moms of all ages—from those with toddlers to those with grandchildren—were quickly captivated by Jeannie’s good humor and candid vulnerability, and at the end of the evening the consensus was clear: “That was JUST what I needed to hear!”
Changing Seasons
Virginia Beach, VA
Speaking 2
“Women raved about Jeannie! Her book may be on parenting but her heart beats for women and bringing us into a closer relationship with God. Women were riveted by her story telling, her authenticity and the easy rapport. We are still talking about her message!”
Walking With Purpose
Greenwich, CT
Speaking 1
“Jeannie created a safe place for women to follow her down a path of honest self-reflection that made the gift of grace truly meaningful when she unpacked it for us. She did not gloss over the realities of brokenness within herself or within us, and because of her courage, those who listened were empowered to live from a new place of freedom.”
M.A.R., M.Div., Care & Community Pastor, Trinity Church, CT