woman in pink shirt looking out window
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Hi, I’m Jeannie, and I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m passionate about helping us know and experience God’s love and presence in our daily lives.

For over a decade, I’ve been writing books and Bible studies that help us live in the confidence of God’s grace, parent our kids in the freedom of Christ, grow in our relationship with God’s indwelling Spirit, and most recently, enjoy God’s personal presence through our pursuit of holiness.

I have a master’s degree in social work, and prior to writing, I was a family counselor and adoption social worker.

a family including mom and dad and 5 boys

I also co-founded The 509 Foundation with my husband and our son, Andre. The foundation is a non-profit that creates opportunities for young adults in Haiti to pursue lives of impact through higher education, employment, and entrepreneurship. I am deeply passionate about our mission and I’m constantly in awe of what God is doing through it.

My husband, Mike, and I have five boys who range in age from twenty-seven to eight. We have one who is out in the real world after graduating from Lipscomb University, one who is a sophomore at Auburn, two who are in high school, and one who is in elementary school. This means a great deal of my time is spent on the sidelines of games, at the grocery store, and in prayer. Parenting keeps me very humble and I’m so grateful for it. I’m crazy about my people and my favorite place is wherever they are. My other favorite places are on a trail or on the water.

And finally, I love Jesus. A lot. The longer I follow Him, the more in awe I am that He loves me and gave Himself for me even though He knew He’d have to pick me back up daily. He is the lover of my soul and the coolest guy I know. My hope is that anything I write or share here will make much of Him.

Jeannie name written in cursive

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