Jeannie’s Blog Updates
How To Have What You Long For As A Mom
What I find so beautiful, so humbling, and perhaps, at times, so frightening, is that God chooses to use us—to involve us—as His instruments in the lives of our children. But! He is not asking us to play His role. Why is this so important to remember?
WARNING: Don't Try This Alone
After having to ask my boys repeatedly to complete their tasks so we could get out the door on time, I shouted, “Boys, I am running out of patience with you!” But before I could speak another word, the thought ran through my mind: Aren’t you glad God never runs out of patience with you? I was able to use that small moment in the middle of our chaotic day to remind my kids of the Good News that “God never runs out of patience for us. He never comes to the end of His rope with us.”