[VIDEO] What's Hard For Us Is Not Hard For God

Hello, Friends! 

I just wanted to pop in and share two things that I hope will encourage you and equip you to parent in the freedom of Christ!


First, we are giving away the first chapter of Mom Set Free for free. Below is a short excerpt from the first chapter of my book that I shared on social media last week. 

This parenting thing is hard. Really hard. And there will be a lot of mornings when we will want to pull the covers over our heads and stay in bed because we don’t feel like we have the mental, physical, or emotional strength to meet the demands of the day and be the moms we long to be.

And we will make mistakes. Lots of them. And we will have regrets. Big ones. And we will need Jesus like we’ve never needed Him before!

But, girlfriend, what I most want to tell you is this: On the days when you feel like you’re not enough, hold on tight to the truth that you have a God who is enough. And what is hard for you is not hard for Him! So run to Him. Rely on Him. Depend on Him. Because He is not finished with you yet! In fact, He is just getting started and He is up to something good!  

You don’t have to “be enough” today, my friend because when you are in Christ, the living God makes His home inside your heart, and He is MORE than enough for you. And His strength is made perfect in your weakness. And He will not let you down!

I hope it encourages you today!  And if you want to read the entire first chapter, you can download it now FOR FREE right from my site!  Click here for the free download link.

Also, I recently visited Nashville for the launch event for Mom Set Free. Almost 600 women gathered to celebrate our freedom in Christ and it was awesome. The video of the event is below and I really hope you’ll carve out time to watch it because after I speak I am joined on stage by Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Courtney DeFeo, and Sissy Goff for a “Momversation.” And y’all they were SO fantastic.  The “Momversation” was packed with wisdom, vulnerable storytelling, laughter, and hope.  

In this video we expose the pressure we are under as moms, we speak the promises of God’s Word over those pressures, and then we explore some of the burning questions moms have, like:

How do we discipline with grace?

How do we use discipline to help our kids be who God created them to be?

Why are boundaries so important in parenting?

What do our kids want to be set free from?

Why is anxiety so prevalent among kids today and what can we do as parents to relieve it?

Should parents say “I’m sorry” and when should we not say “I’m sorry”?

We are told we should let our kids fall and fail but how much falling and failure is too much? 

What does it look like to have a home of confession rather than perfection?

How can I parent in confidence and freedom?

Thank you, friend, for being on this journey with me!  It’s an honor to travel alongside you as we discover God’s grace and embrace the freedom for which He has set us free!



P.S. If you’ve read Mom Set Free and you’ve enjoyed it, would you do me a huge favor and pop over to Amazon and leave a quick review so that other mommas can find freedom in their parenting? For better or worse, reviews make a big difference!


For The Mom Who Feels Pressure To Produce Character In Her Child's Life


One Easy way to Weave Grace INTO Discipline