Pre-Order Mom Set Free and Receive Free Gifts!
A common question people ask me when they discover I’ve written another book is, “What led you to write this book?”
Well, the truth is, God wrote this book on my heart first. He knew how much the truths held within the pages of Mom Set Free needed to be embedded in my own heart.
And the reason I am so excited to share it with you is because I’ve discovered this: I wasn’t the only mom who’d been trying to parent with grace without living in grace—without first accepting the grace of God for me, in all of my weakness, sin, and shortcomings. And I discovered I wasn’t the only one who struggled to believe God wasn’t disappointed in me(and even mad at me!) when I failed to reflect His heart to my children.
It was that discovery, along with the clear nudging from God, that inspired me to write Mom Set Free.
Friend, to give our kids grace we have to believe and accept God’s grace for us! Because we can’t give what we haven’t received.
Freedom is for each and every one of us. God’s grace— His unwavering love, unrestrained affection, unconditional acceptance, and unending forgiveness—is given freely and generously in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23–24).
And Jesus longs, yes longs, to see us live and parent in this freedom!
We get to rest in the assurance of God’s grace and His sovereignty over us and over the kids we long to love and lead well. We are free!
Rest assured, when I say “We are free” I don’t mean we’ve been given an excuse to be a lazy or lousy parent. This is not a permission slip to give up. This is not an out. This is an in.
An invitation to:
- lay down what God has not asked us to carry so we thrive in what He has
- embrace our significance in light of God’s sovereignty
- discover God’s acceptance of us and affection for us,
just as we are - receive God’s grace so we can reflect God’s heart to
our kids - stop trying so hard and start enjoying our kids more
- weave grace into how we discipline our kids
- trust God with the kids He has entrusted to us
- become more of the mom we long to be for our kids
This is an invitation to trust that “everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received!” (2 Peter 1:3–4 MSG).
We have been personally invited—by name—to walk in freedom from the pressure to be “enough”—for our children and for God.
And that is the Good News – the best news – I can’t wait to share with you on August 29th when the book releases.
Until then, you can pre-order the book NOW and download 4 free gifts that will empower you to start your journey to FREEDOM now!
Claiming your gifts is really simple.
2. Click here to complete the form with proof of purchase.
3. You will immediately receive an email with the following free gifts to download:
1. The Mom Set Free Manifesto. This Manifesto, full of quotes from the book, will equip you to remember the Good News in your parenting on a daily basis! Print this out and prepare to LIVE FREE and GIVE GRACE!
2. A 5 x 7 frameable print of Galatians 5:1. This Bible verse is the heart of MOM SET FREE.
3. My personal MOM SET FREE Spotify Playlist. This playlist includes many of my favorite songs that inspire me and empower me to live in freedom! In fact, many of these songs played on repeat in my office as I wrote Mom Set Free!
4. The FIRST chapter of Mom Set Free so you can start reading NOW! Are you ready for relief?
It’s time to breathe deeper, walk lighter, and reclaim the wonder and adventure of parenting!
I am so excited about going on this journey with YOU!