Just because you can doesn't mean you should
Courtney DeFeo, encourager-extraordinaire, is with us today. If you’ve been to my blog before you know how very much I love this girl and her newly released book,In This House We Will Giggle. I'm thankful she's sharing some of the good stuff from her book with us!
By Courtney DeFeo
Naturally, I am a doer. An over-achiever. So, I lean toward action and doing things to show love. In fact, my book is FILLED with things you can do with your kids to make virtues, love and laughter a daily part of your family life.
The doer in me can get things done. The doer in me can forget to rest. The doer in me can forget that it isn’t about works. And the doer in me can forget that …….. just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.
With a full brain of to do’s and a pinterest board full of ideas, I am reminded that God has my children. I can trust Him with their lives and it's not all up to me.
We can certainly be intentional about how we show them Jesus. I believe it looks more like laughter than lectures. We can certainly create new habits and new activities.
I just personally don’t want to forget that God is enough and I am enough. I was handmade for my kids and I don’t need to change or be someone I am not. I don’t want to forget that the purpose of the "to-do’s" is to bring faith to life in my home and in my community, not to become more loved.
I want my kids to SEE MORE of Him through me, rather than feel the pressure to DO MORE for Him.
Here are a few ways we SEE MORE of Him vs DO MORE for Him.
Ready to Listen. Our kids don’t often come ready to talk about their faith or doubts. When they do, be ready to drop everything and listen. Teachable moments are often during the oddest time. Listen for those subtle questions that will often lead to great conversations about their Savior.
Ready to Forgive. My kids need to see me walk the walk more than talk the talk. So, in our house, I can forgive them like Jesus has first forgiven me. And! Be willing to ask for their forgiveness when I make mistakes.
Ready to Respond. I love to tell my kids stories of how God prompted my heart and I obeyed. Not because I want them to think I’m super spiritual. But because by sharing our walk, they believe it’s possible for them too.
So, keep up the great work. You were made for your kids.
In This House, We Will Giggle: Making Virtues, Love, and Laughter a Daily Part of Your Family Life offers parents a practical approach to instilling virtues in their children through laughter, rather than lecture. Designed to cover an entire year, each of the 12 chapters highlights one key virtue in developing a child’s character, along with insights to help infuse the virtue into everyday life.
In This House, We Will Giggle teaches children to experience the goodness of God, the joy of following Jesus and the difference children can make in the lives of others. Visit courtneydefeo.com to find Leader Guide, Virtues Cards and other resources to support your journey to laugh more than lecture.
Courtney DeFeo is a popular speaker, blogger and author of In This House, We Will Giggle. She is also the creator of ABC Scripture Cards (featured on “The View”), Conversation Cups and Light ‘Em Up. She is a graduate of Auburn University and has worked in marketing for Chick-fil-A. Courtney and her husband, Ron, are the parents of two girls. To connect with Courtney, visit CourtneyDeFeo.com